64bit Linux

Asuka Langley hunkumori at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 20:25:12 UTC 2008


Maybe a lot of people answered, but I want to tell my opinion too. I using
amd64 Kubuntu since few monts.

1 Am I right in assuming that 64bit Linux has improved since I tried it?
- YES, a lot I think...as I experienced..
2 If the answer to that is yes, are there good reasons to move to 64bit?
- again, YES.. 30-40% faster working, compiling and faster boot, shutdown
3 Are there still some problems with it?
- I don't think so. I using FF3in1 script what installs me a Firefox32 bit
browser with flash+java support. Then I installed a GTK theme and everything
works flawlessly.
4 Do many people on the list use it or are most still on 32bit?
- Only one pc using 32bit at home, other two are using 64. After the new
parts arrived, I will install amd64 on that too. It's just faster.
5 Does anyone have suggestions, advice, help for me about this?
- Yes, use the script for easy install of java+flash (ff3in1(
- other one, use ENVY to install Nvidia/ATi drivers (It compiles the amd64
drivers better than the simple install does).
- Uhm..there was a memory leak in the def. kernel in the 7.10, but Hardy
using the 2.6.24 based one.. so I don't know any other problems.

2008/3/16, Neil Winchurst <neil at holsdev.vispa.com>:
> In May 2008 I bought a new computer (set up to my specs), which
> included a 64bit AMD processor. At the time my distro was Mandriva so
> I installed Mandriva 2006  64bit. I soon realised that it was early
> days for 64bit on Linux, (eg some packages were available in 32bit
> versions only). Before long I decided to start again so I installed the
> 32bit version instead.
> In October 2006 I moved over to Kubuntu and installed Edgy, the 32bit
> version. This is the distro that I am still using. My HD has now
> reached the stage where it needs a good clear out and tidy up. I have
> decided that the best and easiest way would be a completely fresh
> install.
> I am planning to install Kubuntu Hardy when it comes out next month.
> Meanwhile it has occurred to me that 64bit Linux must have improved a
> lot in the nearly two years since I tried it out. So at last to my
> questions.
> 1 Am I right in assuming that 64bit Linux has improved since I tried it?
> 2 If the answer to that is yes, are there good reasons to move to 64bit?
> 3 Are there still some problems with it?
> 4 Do many people on the list use it or are most still on 32bit?
> 5 Does anyone have suggestions, advice, help for me about this?
> Many thanks
> Neil Winchurst
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