64bit Linux

Neil Winchurst neil at holsdev.vispa.com
Sun Mar 16 15:01:05 UTC 2008

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:02:43 -0400
Scott <slewin at bmts.com> wrote:

> Neil Winchurst wrote:
> > 2 If the answer to that is yes, are there good reasons to move to 64bit?
> I have always read that the only reason to use a 64-bit OS is if you 
> want more than 3GB of RAM.  Other than that I have herd no real good 
> reason to use a 64-bit OS.
> Your friend,
> Scott
Well, I have 2GB of RAM and it works fine with my 32 bit Kubuntu Edgy.
I am beginning to think, from the replies so far, that there is not
much point in going 64bit for me. However I will watch out for any more


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