No Icon on Desktop for always-on usbdisk

Thomas Amberger AmbergerTh at
Sat Mar 15 17:33:26 UTC 2008


Am Freitag 14 März 2008 22:21:17 schrieb Steve McMaster:
> I believe that unless you mount your USB disk via the KDE interface, as
> opposed to mounting in on the command line or putting it in /etc/fstab,
> the icon will not appear on your desktop.

i mount it in /etc/fstab, i tryed to umount and take the usb away, the icon 
disapears, when i put the usb in, the device mounts and there is no icon, ok.

After a reboot there is also no icon, ok. When i use a usb-stick or so, it 
will be mounted, and a icon for it is shown on the desktop. So far so good, 
but for my always on usb-drive also appears the icon now and it did not 
disapear when i umount the other usb-device ??


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