KMail installation problems

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Mar 13 13:50:31 UTC 2008

lanzen wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 March 2008 15:10:11 O. Sinclair wrote:
>> You might want to try ALT+F2 and then type Kmail in the window
>> that comes up. Just for the sake of it... but unless you are really
>> uncomfy running Kontact just set it to always open in the Mail component
>> (Settings, Kontact) and then use only that part.
> But that's real strange. I have a kmail entry in my menu. I seem to
> remember adding it long time ago, it's still there and clicking on it
> launches kmail standalone. Same thing happens if I launch kmail in alt+F2
> or katapult.

Sure, you can do that - but kontact swallows kmail if it's already running. 
You can't start a new session of kmail or akregator or any of the other
kontact komponents if kontact is running.

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