Help for usb disk and usb pendrive

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Mar 13 13:47:27 UTC 2008

lanzen wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 March 2008 14:31:06 Derek Broughton wrote:
>> If you can't restart the Windows session that this was originally mounted
>> on, you _should_ be able to plug it into a running Windows and run
>> scandisk on it, which will leave it mountable (though perhaps still with
>> corruption).
> Would that mean going back (date & time) to the window session when that
> started? Or just, as you previously said: "If you can _mount_ the drive in
> Windows, do a complete shutdown/restart..."

The thing is, if you've taken a drive that was not properly dismounted from
Windows, then that Windows session has buffers that were never written to
disk.  If you then restarted Windows without it, I would expect those
buffers to get lost.  If you have the actual hibernated session where the
disk was mounted, _that_ is where the disk needs to be connected first.

> And how about plugging in the disk and turn it on if self powered,  then
> boot into win?
Windows should have the same problem Linux does - it should see the drive as
being in need of a scandisk, and _should_ ask to do it automatically.

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