wireless connection to linksys from Inspiron laptop

Francisco Borges francisco.borges at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 09:57:39 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Nigel Ridley <nigel at rmk.co.il> wrote:
> Francisco Borges wrote:
>  >>  I really am completely new to wireless and don't really know where to start.
>  >
>  > I have the same router, and the same laptop ;-) (Good taste, eh?)
>  How do you get the router to give static ip addresses below 100? ie.

IIRC I configured the router to use DHCP, and the laptop to request an
IP from the router.

It has been a year or so since I set it up. So I can't help you much
here. Have you trying taking a look at this web administrator
interface the router have? I thought it was very good.

(I can't fuss with my router now since I am at work)

>  > My tip is:
>  >
>  > - do install the restricted drivers package;
>  I can't find that package...  I do have to kubuntu-restricted-extras installed but no mention of drivers for the
>  wireless card.  I also have jockey-kde (hardware driver manager0 installed, but again, no mention of
>  'proprietry' drivers.

% aptitude search linux-restricted-modules-

will show you the packages. If you are using the "generic" kernel
package, just install


Otherwise search for the package that corresponds to your kernel.


I would also observe that since I upgraded to Hardy, the wireless
indicator light is not showing anything anymore (despite having it


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