Problem with Frostwire under Kubuntu 7.10 (gutsy)

Graham grahamtodd2 at
Sun Mar 9 11:17:34 UTC 2008

On Sat, 8 Mar 2008 16:51:24 -0700
"Michael Hirsch" <mdhirsch at> wrote:

> Hmm, no one has answered, so I'll give it a shot.  Java crashed.  It
> wasn't that frostwire had a coding problem, but the JVM itself has a
> bug.
> I would try grabbing the latest JVM from  I notice that
> there is a more recent version out.  If that doesn't work, try one of
> the java 5 versions.

Thats one thing to look for, but Frostwire is in my repositories and
installs fine through Adept/Synaptic.

If you get any problems, try adding the Medibuntu repositories to your

## Medibuntu.  
deb gutsy free non-free


Graham Todd

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