KDE4 advice

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Wed Jun 18 19:55:27 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 18 June 2008 10:25:06 am Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Wed, June 18, 2008 10:12 am, Mike Bird wrote:
> > I suggest that you test KDE 4 on a separate test system, or a separate
> > partition on an existing system.  KDE 4 is not designed to co-exist with
> > KDE 3.  If you simply upgrade from KDE 3 to KDE 4 you will find it
> > difficult to return.
>     Awha-huh?  This goes against my experience with KDE4.  I decided to
> give it a whirl when I had to reinstall KUbuntu.  Grabbed the KDE4 disc as
> I was ignorant of what a stinker KDE4 is.  After about 30m of
> head-thumping I did an aptitude install kde-desktop.  They co-exist.
> Furthermore it is trivial to switch between them.  At KDM select
> "Session" and then choose which one you want.  In fact right now I have
> gnome-desktop, xfce-desktop, kde-desktop and kde4-desktop all installed
> side-by-side.
>     The only grouse I have, as the OP pointed out, is that the menus of
> each are cluttered with portions of the other.  I don't much mind having
> Amarok in my Gnome/XFCE menus but having 3 different ways to configure the
> system in each is a tad confusing.  ;)

 Can't one use the "Menu Editor" (left click the "K") to remove the unneeded 
entries?   I have KDE4 installed but never use it as several things I use 
every day don't work in it.  Of course I haven't tried it with the recent 
updates (just too busy it seems to get the time) so perhaps this has been 

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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