OT: Which digital camera

cherryfinals cherryfinals at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 16:04:21 UTC 2008

Hi Nigel,

I just purchased a new one for myself and for my wife.

> She wants one of those slim ones - like the Casio but I'm trying to
> help her make an educated choice.

Here's a good place to start your search:


Just follow some of his reviews.
> 1. How important is it whether the battery is an internal one or if
> one can stick in your regular 
> Duracels (or rechargables). I realize that the price will go with the
> added expense of purchasing 
> batteries, but then those internal ones need an electric power source
> when they need to be 
> recharged (and probably just when your stuck in the middle of
> nowhere!).

The ones with rechargable batteries usually will give you more than a
hundred shots on a charge. Carry the charger with you and keep an
inverter in the car and you shouldn't have to worry about power.
> 2. Also, are last year's models still up to par (they're much
> cheaper)?

My wife wanted a small one as well and we selected a Nikon S210 model.
It has gone on a trip with us over Mother's Day and already has had
more than 200 images shot. 


Whatever you get, make sure is uses a common SD card for memory. You
can get 2Gb cards at MicroCenter.com for less than $10. My wife and I
keep a pair of spare 2Gb cards for each camera. 

I would recommend against any of the Sony cameras because they use a
proprietary memory stick.

Good luck!


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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt


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