.bash_profile can create hell

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 17:21:08 UTC 2008

for the last hour i was having hell with my computer, every time i type
my password in the login screen (kdm) and hit enter, x restarts. i can
log in in console normally, but not graphically, i searched a lot using
windows to no avail, but then i remembered i edited $HOME/.bash_profile
last time i was using linux (as instructed by some tutorial), i can
mount my ext3 partitions in windows, so decided to take a look at the
file, and found it wrong, there was "ls" in its begining and end,
somehow i typed something wrong in konsole, so i went back to linux,
logged in in console and renamed the file, and voila, i can login
now this makes me wonder, first, what effect does a bash settings file
have on kde? secondly, can it be that serious as to f*** up a system?!

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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