Translation needed please, Dotan.

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at
Sun Jun 8 13:42:59 UTC 2008

On Sunday 08 June 2008 14:28:41 Willy Hamra wrote:
> lisi, the wikipedia article provided is very helpful, if you want to see
> what IRC is,

Thanks for the explanation, Willy.  I appreciate your taking the time, but in 
fact it wasn't I who was asking about IRC.  I asked Dotan to explain what 
keeping off lawns had to do with a question someone else asked about IRC.  My 
message got truncated by someone else.

And Dotan, I can see that lawns would be precious in Israel, but I still can't 
see what that has to do with IRC, so I am obviously being a bit dim. :-(


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