PDF reader that lets one override fonts

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 21:16:41 UTC 2008

A quick brows of "man inkscape" shows that you can open and save files with
the command line. Now all you need is a command line jockey and that is not
me. Should be easy to write and there you have it all your files done.

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2008/6/7 Knapp <magick.crow at gmail.com>:
> > Open it with inkscape! Problem solved.
> > DEK
> > PS Now you owe me. :-) That took some time. LOL
> >
> Thank you Knapp! I did discover that Inkscape opens the file properly,
> and just a few minutes ago discovered that Inkscape exports to PS just
> fine. However, upon export to PDF Inkscape destroys the letterspacing
> and the document is unreadable.
> The problem with Inkscape is that it only translates one page at a
> time. I have 20+ documents, averaging 10 pages each, so that means
> that I will have to do 200 manual conversions. I am afraid that the
> pressure of the upcoming exam, for which I am reading these files,
> forces me to delay my learning of how to handle this situation. I will
> update the thread when (if) I learn to script Inkscape to remove fonts
> from pdf files in bulk.
> Dotan Cohen
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Douglas E Knapp

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