Problems with KDE4 under Kubuntu Hardy

Steve Lamb grey at
Sun Jun 1 10:15:01 UTC 2008

Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Don't compare apples with pears, please!

    I won't.  This is purely apples to apples comparison.  One sucks, the
other doesn't.  See?

> KDE4 is still in heavy development, and it never has been announced to
> be finished yet, so please give the developers time to polish that!

    Sorry, not only do their version numbers say otherwise so do their own

    So I should, and will, be quite upset about their lack of even basic
usability like moving buttons on the bottom bar.

> If you can't run KDE4 decently then you must have a problem with your
> installation that usually is sorted out with a clean install

    Tell that to the OP.  Furthermore are you really suggesting a clean
install because I accidentally removed my K button and can't move it on the
bar?  Do you consider that reasonable for RELEASED software?  I don't.

> Also, there is a change in the way computers will work in the future
> and how GUIs are designed, based on intense usability research, a
> change you can see the beginning of in KDE4.

    This is usability?  Konqueror replaced with Dolphin which was pretty much
universally panned on every Linux list I've read.  Complete with its inability
to save preferences.  A kicker bar where you can't move the buttons?  Icons
which are resizable but no way to set them to a default size?  Or my personal
favorite, icons which POP up actions like a Ritalin-deprived ADD 5 year old
screaming, "Ooo, pick me, pick me!!  ME!!  PICK ME!!!!!!"

    None of that is what I would call "usability".  Every piece of it is
distracting or flat out broken.

> What do you expect, that developers stay behind mayor evolution in 
> desktop design?

    When that "mayor [sic] evolution" is a huge step backwards...  YES!  When
the idea that removing /major/ portions of a program's functionality is
considered advancement I expect them to tell the marketing drones where to
shove their usability studies.  I don't need dumbed down programs.  I need
more powerful programs.

> try to understand what the
> computers of the 21st century will look like or stay put with the "old
> way".

    Try to understand that programs are regressing in functionality?  Why?

> And if you read a little info coming from the developers, be this on
> or, you might eventually change your mind and
> understand why KDE 4 is at the current state. Gnome is not near in
> ages to that GUI changes we need to do to catch up with the modern
> world :)

    Why would I want to read what they say when it is evident that they have
lost it after 3.5?  They *RELEASED* this tripe which is on par with a typical
Microsoft release.  Apparently not only did they want to mirror Vista's
eyecandy they also wanted to mirror Vista's BUGINESS.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |   And dream I do...

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