Virtualbox with latest kernel - Gutsy

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Fri Jul 11 17:40:40 UTC 2008

On Friday 11 July 2008, David Fletcher wrote:
> I was having a play with installing XP under virtualbox, running on
> Gutsy, last night.
> I found that it won't work with the latest kernel, but does work with
> the latest-1. Sorry I'm at work now and can't remember all the version
> numbers.
> Bruce Marshall posted a tip on 25th June about rebuilding vboxdrv by
> using:- /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
> to recompile the driver against new kernels. I tried this and it
> won't work. Looking at the contents of /etc/init.d/vboxdrv I found a
> comment that somebody has removed the setup function especially for
> us (k)ubuntu users. Thanks.
> Can anybody please tell how to sort this out, or point me to
> somewhere where it's already documented?
> Thanks.
> Dave

It's working fine on this kernel:


And vboxdrv setup worked fine too.

As far as I know, that's the latest kernel.  

Have you downloaded a new version of vbox yet?   I'm running the one that you 
get from Sun.

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