flat screen tv as monitor

Hans Henry von Tresckow hvontres at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 07:47:37 UTC 2008

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:31 PM, david <d.mcglone at att.net> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I recently acquired a philips 21in flat screen TV and I would like to use
> it
> as a monitor for my desktop.
> Earlier today I fired it up on my desktop using an S-Video cable because it
> didn't have a vga to DMI cable and the picture was grainy and the fonts
> were
> completely unreadable. It was horrible. I managed to get a half-way decent
> looking desktop by using 800x600, but this makes everything so big that it
> doesn't fit and the whole desktop scrolls when you move the cursor to
> either
> side.
> My question is, would I get a better picture if I used a VGA to DMI cable
> instead of the S-Video cable? Or do I need to get a better Graphics card?
> Or
> should I just give up hope alltogether?
> --
> David M.

By all means, get a VGA to DMI cable. The  SVGA signal is still just at SDTV
resolution. I have tested my laptop on my 40" sony, and the picture was

Good luck

Henry von Tresckow (hvontres)
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