State of Konqueror ?

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at
Thu Jan 17 20:17:25 UTC 2008

> second, Firefox has more customization via plug-in extensions to really kick
> it to the next level. (hmmm, it would be nice) it Konqueror could do that,
> then we would truly have it all... just a note firefox 3 browser is way faster
> than firefox 2.x.11 way faster.. and less memory.

Not that I'm defending Konqeror at all (I'm a Firefox user), but there
is an extensions framework for Konqueror, but I just think that hardly
anyone has written any plugins for it.  (Check under "Settings" ->
"Configure Extensions")  I think the only one at the moment is a
text-to-speech accessibility extension that is installed by default.
I wouldn't even know where to look for new extensions, but the
framework is there to support them.


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