KDE 4.0.0!

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at kubuntu.org
Mon Jan 14 19:29:10 UTC 2008

On Monday 14 January 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:
| Terence Simpson wrote:
| > *We* didn't do anything, it's not our decision as to if we are LTS or
| > not. It's entirely up to Canonical Ltd.
| Sure *you* did something.  You chose to release 8.04 with KDE4, even though
| KDE4 is clearly not ready for general release.
| --
| derek

And we chose to release 7.10 with KDE 4 as well (ie. the KDE 4 Live CD). KDE 4 
was not the reason to drop LTS support for our 3.5.x branch, Canonical assumed 
that KDE 3.5.x wouldn't be supported come 3 years down the road, which I am 
sure we all know it more than likely will due to collaboration between KDE and 
KDAB for one (KDE Pim Enterprise). There are to many large scale KDE 3 rollouts 
for KDE to stop supporting KDE 3, so honestly I think this is a booboo by 
Canonical, but who am I to say.

Even if we decided not to release KDE 4 with 8.04, Canonical still made their 
mind up about not shipping Kubuntu as an LTS, so point your finger at 
Canonical, not Kubuntu developers.

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at kubuntu.org
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