KDE 4.0.0!

Joe Burgess joemburgess at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 14:22:25 UTC 2008

So wait in the KDE4, is Dolphin the only file manager choice? I was so 
mad when Kubuntu 7.10 changed to Dolphin it is no where near as powerful 
as konqueror, but thankfully in 7.10 I could switch back to konqueror, 
is this possible in KDE 4?


Jesus Arocho wrote:
> On Sunday 13 January 2008 07:28:59 Donn wrote:
>>> Ignore this post.  I can't believe I had never noticed that my kde 3
>>> behaves in the same manner!!!  After all these years...
>> Ha! That takes the cake :D Did your mouse never bump into the side of the
>> screen?
>> \d
>> --
>> When there's an emergency how come we never hear anyone shout "Let me
>> through, I'm an aromatherapist!"
>> -- unknown
>> Fonty Python and other dev news at:
>> http://otherwiseingle.blogspot.com/
> That is the beauty of it, of course the mouse bumped against the edge.  For 
> some reason I convinced myself that this was new in kde 4 and spent 1/2 hour 
> trying to fix it.  On the other hand getting icons to the size I want was 
> more difficult.  It was not until I ran adept this morning that the icons 
> responded to a new size, and then only if I restart the desktop, not when I 
> click on apply.  The panel icons, or whatever the new name is for the strip 
> at the bottom of the screen, I have not been able to change.
> Also, I changed the background to a different picture and when I restarted the 
> desktop I only got a white screen.  Now I have to change the wallpaper every 
> time I log in, unless I want a white screen.
> I am getting use to it and it is promising, but it is buggy.  I have one 
> laptop and four other desktops to change but will not do so until more 
> stable.  I thank all of the programmer involved!!

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