KDE 4.0.0!

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Sun Jan 13 08:27:14 UTC 2008

You are missing a good occasion of open software :)

Howard Coles Jr. a écrit :
> On Saturday 12 January 2008 09:51:57 pm Terence Simpson wrote:
>> Edwin Sendjaja wrote:
>>> Eduardo, I have the same opinion with you. Well, this version should be
>>> beta version.
>>> I hope they will fix and add some funktions that kde 3.5.8 has already.
>>> Who expect it to be supermega fast and supermega solid. We just want a
>>> better destop than kde3.5.8, which is already super good amd super
>>> solid.
>> If you want to compare it to 3.5.8 then please wait until 4.5.8, then
>> you'll be comparing things on an equal standing.
> I have to disagree here.  4.0 is the NEXT release in the KDE series, its 
> supposed to be better.  KDE 3 was way better than KDE 2.whatever, as I 
> recall, and KDE 2 was better than KDE 1.  We have a long history of expecting 
> better, not "as good".   What you are saying sounds like you work for M$.
> Don't release a desktop just because its time, and expect me to act happy 
> about it if its crap.  Sorry, but I've read this thread, and over and over 
> again I'm hearing "can't do this" and "can't do that".  Can't resize, no 
> customization, no this, and no that.  It has me seriously worried about 
> running it.

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