SSH and OOo
Kelly L. Fulks
kfulks at
Sat Jan 12 22:50:26 UTC 2008
Stew Schneider wrote:
> Kelly L. Fulks wrote:
>> I have been using NFS for over 15 years, so I haven't looked at any
>> tutorials in a while. However, a quick google search turned up this one
>> that seems to cover the topic pretty well
> This looks to be just the ticket. A quick glance seems to indicate that
> entries in /etc/export have to include static IP's (and no, I haven't
> read the whole manual). If that's so, I'll have some work to do with the
> DSL when I get back from school next week.
> I think we have the solution, though. Many thanks.
> stew
Be careful about using NFS with no protection between you and the
Internet. It is an insecure protocol in that it doesn't deal with
authentication. I would only run NFS behind a firewall. Be sure to
read section 6 of the How-To mentioned above before using NFS on an
unprotected network.
I also thought of another question concerning the password prompt when
using the fish:// protocol. Do you have a private/public key that is
used for ssh access to the remote machine? If so, did you try the
password to your private key?
Kelly L. Fulks
Home Account
near Huntsville, AL
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