KDE 4.0.0!

Martin Walshe plasticman3327 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 16:31:07 UTC 2008

On Jan 11, 2008 4:17 PM, Chris Gow <sniffy at rogers.com> wrote:

> IIRC, in 4.0.0 the panel is not resizable, I also don't think you can move
> anything either.
> Regarding your open programs missing, I /think/ you want the Task Manager
> widget, to add it to the panel, right-click on the desktop select Add
> Widgets, look for the Task Manager widget, drag the widget onto the panel.
> Same goes for any other widget. You can not currently drag a widget from
> the
> desktop and place it on the panel though (same goes the other way).
> If that doesn't work for you, if you log out and delete ~/.kde4 and
> relogin,
> you'll get a fresh desktop.
> Many thanks Chris,
Had completely missed the task manager widget. Is fine now after putting
that back on the bar.
Guess i will have to live with not being able to move my clock etc on the
panel. Will have to get used to looking down the bottom left instead of
right for awhile :)

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