KDE Programs Naming Convention

Martin Walshe plasticman3327 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 22:34:57 UTC 2008

On Jan 8, 2008 10:25 PM, WANSTALL Malcolm <malcolm.wanstall at cnh.com> wrote:

> <snip>
> Does anyone else see this as a bit of a marketing blunder and is there
> _any_ community push to change this? Surely good names like Amarok,
> Rosegarden and Bluefish aren't that hard to come up with...they
> certainly make a better first impression on people new to KDE/Linux.
I do so your point to a certain extent but to me the program name doesnt
matter much. It could be called monkeyblowfishspoonapple as long as it
worked im happy.
Also it serves to distinguish between aps for kde and aps for gnome very

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