Kontact Enterprise or "normal"

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jan 8 13:09:08 UTC 2008

lanzen wrote:

> On Monday 07 January 2008 16:38:48 Derek Broughton wrote:
>> That was never part of kmail.  The package is called kmailcvt.
> Thanks Derek and Clay!
> I felt pretty sure I had it installed _with_ kontact in fiesty, but I
> might be wrong. 

No, I'm pretty sure you're right (at least that it was installed as a
dependency of kubuntu-desktop, once).

> Actually I feel that keeping it separate is a more 
> reasonable way of going about it: one just installs it whenever needed and
> takes it off once done as it's not a daily necessity, really.
> But I'm sure I was using KMail 1.9.7 - no enterprise - after an upgrade
> while in fiesty. Oh well, beam me up, Scottie!  ;)

There has been some work to give KMail the option of an Outlook-like
interface (ugh!), but afaik anything that could be called "Enterprise" is
just options.

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