which wireless router?

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 20:43:17 UTC 2008

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Nigel Ridley <nigel at rmk.co.il> wrote:
>  I was looking at the Linksys WRT54GL but couldn't find out if I can configure my lan using
>  'fixed ip addresses'. I even read the pdf user guide from the Lynksys website but it only
>  mentions 'enabling dhcp'. Apart from that it looks a good choice.
>  Blessings,
>  Nigel
>  --
>  OliveRoot Ministries
>  http://www.oliveroot.net/
>  PrayingForIsrael.net
>  http://www.prayingforisrael.net/

The router really has nothing to do with using static addresses.
Static addresses are configured on the client-side.  It's just like
ethernet; all you have to do is configure each computer you have with
a different address and turn off dhcp on the router.  Dhcp is kind of
like an extension of a router's basic functioning -- any real router
or access point should be able to handle static addressing.  Now, if
you are talking about assigning certain computers static IP addresses
based on their MAC addresses from the router configuration utility, I
wish you luck in figuring that one out.  I wouldn't worry about it
though.  I mean, whether dynamic or static, a router should be able to
perform its basic function of routing based on IP addresses.


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