which wireless router?

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 17:58:19 UTC 2008

On Saturday 23 February 2008 11:47:29 am Nigel Ridley wrote:
> So I finally have the readies for a new Dell laptop (the ones without that
> 'other' os) and I'm in the market for a wireless (plus wired) router.
> Trouble is, I checked for available models and there are just too many to
> be able to make a good decision.
> Anybody want to offer some advice?
> I want to be able to use our existing wired home network and have the
> wirelss option for my new laptop.
> What's the difference between the ones with one antenna, two antennas or
> even 3? Is there a preference [for us linux users] to a certain brand - ie.
> Netgear, D-link, Edimax or 3Com - which ones work best with Linux (that is
> being able to set them up and adjust security)?
> TIA,
> Blessings,
> Nigel
> --
> OliveRoot Ministries
> http://www.oliveroot.net/
> PrayingForIsrael.net
> http://www.prayingforisrael.net/

I've used Linksys wireless routers for a long time now, and they work well.  
The 54MB Wireless version has 4 10/100 ports and 2 antennas.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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