Hardy, KDE4 and fglrx

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at vzavenue.net
Wed Feb 20 14:06:19 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 20 February 2008 05:25:39 am Nils wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a hp compaq 8510p and it has an ATI Radeon 2600, therefore I
> have to use fglrx. With Gutsy it works more or less (xscreensaver
> crashed some times, suspend does not work, compiz did not work at all)
> I also installed Kubuntu Hardy to try out KDE4. When I try to logout
> or reboot the screen gets blank and since I cannot see anything, I
> assume that it crashed. (It stays black when pressing ctrl-alt-fn)
> Because ATI is known for crappy drivers I guess that they are the
> reasons and just wanted to ask if anybody has the same problems and if
> there are known workarounds for it. I also don't mind if DRI or compiz
> is not working, if I can get basic functionality to work correct.
> I installed the latest fglrx drivers from ati using
> --buildpkg=Ubuntu/Hardy.
> Nils

I believe the latest fglrx driver 8.02 is "supposed" to take care of this; 
however, I installed it on Gutsy for my HP dv8000 and have the same effects 
as 8.01.  Closing my laptop lid does shutdown my system.

ATI drivers have improved remarkebly over the past year and a half, both in 
features and in bug fixes, but not consistently so.  From time to time they 
seem to regress to bugs they previously overcame.  This particular bug was 
found in earlier drivers and fixed, now it seems to have reappeared in the 
last two versions.  Essentially it is a logout bug pertaining to ATIEVENTSD.

The ATI release cycle is about once per month, so we do not have to wait long.


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