Accented characters: sudden strange difficulty to produce them.

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Mon Feb 18 15:47:09 UTC 2008

Hey Don, Paul and everybody

> ..I recall a thread about this kind of thing....
Thanks for reminding me about it. You are right - in that archive, you 
can still find the recent thread ´accented characters´, late January 
this year. I have checked it out again - however, it does not contain 
the answers I am looking for.

> Whenever I've had problems with my configuration, I've tried 
> recreating it from scratch.  To do this, I copy, then log out, then 
> delete the original, then log back in.......

In general, this looks like an absolutely useful approach. So, I did 
follow your instructions a few minutes ago. However, it did not work out 
in this particular situation. The result is still the same: accented 
characters only OpenOffice. In ALL the other applications, including 
Thunderbird and Firefox, only the ´ basic´ key board is being used: in 
spite of all my instructions via key board > regional and language > key 
board. After putting in my instructions, I press at the APPLY button, 
than at FILE >  Quit. I do not know what I can do more to properly save 
changed settings. Any other clue???

Hoping for other replies....

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