Missing kcontrol menus (was: No "GTK Styles and Fonts" in Kcontrol)

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Feb 15 20:45:12 UTC 2008

Donn wrote:

> These are the 'kde' and 'kubuntu' related packages on my system (I think
> it's all of them):

This is all way more fun than I have time for :-)

# kcmshell --list

tells you all the control modules

# kcmshell defaultapplication

pops up the "Component chooser", and:

# kcmshell componentchooser

doesn't! (it's a blank window).  Yet:

# dlocate defaultapplication
app-install-data: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/defaultapplication.desktop
kde-systemsettings: /usr/share/applications/kde/defaultapplication.desktop
kde-systemsettings: /usr/share/desktop-directories/kde-settings-defaultapplications.directory

- which doesn't seem helpful as both versions actually run the
command "kcmshell componentchooser"!

The only thing that jumps out at me is that there are no localization
strings that look quite like hebrew to me ('he', right? -
spellchecking.desktop, which Dotan has, _does_ have an 'he' localization).

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