Problems with NTFS external USB drive in Kubuntu (update)

Valter Mura valtermura at
Mon Dec 29 16:15:14 UTC 2008

Il lunedì 29 dicembre 2008 08:58:19 Art Alexion ha scritto:
> >
> > I can confirm this issue: the same external usb drive that I couldn't
> > open with Kubuntu 8.04/KDE 3.5.x, now opens perfectly in Kubuntu 8.10/KDE
> > 4.1.3
> >
> > Model: Packard Bell Store & Save 320 GB / USB connection
> Is that a USB powered drive or does it have its own power supply?

It has its own power supply.

> > > I want to report this as a bug, but have no idea what package to report
> > > against.  Any ideas?
> >
> > Well, I think you have to indicate the model of the ext drive and the
> > system you were using, comparing it with the actual system, perhaps it's
> > a kernel problem (?)
> That would be a problem because it is a drive I took out of an otherwise
> broken laptop and a generic 2.5" enclosure.
> I can't imagine it would be a kernel problem because Kubuntu and Ubuntu
> share the same kernel and it mounts fine in Ubuntu.

Well, you're right. But I think you should open the issue, there will be an 
expert who will ask to you more info concerning the problem.

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