Kmail sending problem.

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Wed Dec 24 16:59:26 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 7:56:01 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> All the companies that I have found that offer as cheap or a cheaper price
> have other services bundled, like telephone and movies.  I just can't
> afford spending more money.  I live on a very low fixed retirement income.
>  The result of AT&T's price increase is 1/2 the service for the same price.
>  In my thinking that is a 100% increase in price.  Pretty unfair for my
> situation. Same with food.  My monthly budget is about $160, and food
> prices have risen 30% in the last few months, so I have had to change my
> diet to foods that are not as healthy.  

We have not had any meat of any kind or dairy in our house now since Clinton 
moved into the white house.  Couldn't afford it any longer.  However, we 
noticed a drastic drop in illness!  Even my asthma dropped to less than half 
the medication needed.  Blood pressure medication eliminated completely.  No 
colds of flu for years now for any of us, ...and we both work with sick 
people every day.  

> Fortunately everyone else usually 
> does not have to take this loss; they simply raise their prices for their
> services or products and pass it on to people like me.  But I don't get the
> raises, and I cannot work anymore.

Hopefully you don't live in the United States cause we just elected someone 
who will raise your taxes nearly 200 percent and perhaps more, wants to tax 
social security payouts, tax Medicaid payouts, tax disability payments, add 
food taxes, raise fuel taxes and fully eliminate any retirement payouts for 
anyone under eighty.  Plus your costs go up cause all taxes, penalties, etc 
imposed on companies are totally passed directly to their consumers.  It 
seems people in the US LIKE being in bondage!  They elect the worst of the 
worst everytime.  I pay $9.90 for my inet connection which is a 2.5 meg 
connection through Quest but they are not giving me either mail or webpage 
space for that, just the connection.  I pay an additional $12.95 to my180 for 
the rest.  You might look into something like that.  Of course it might go up 
soon at Quest too!  AT&T passes their increases along just like any other 

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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