Annoying small window size in 8.10 KDE4

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Wed Dec 24 11:42:39 UTC 2008


I like the new KDE running on kubuntu 8.10, even if from time to time a small 
glitch is observed. Though there is one thing I find very annoying.

In the current version KDE4.1.85, the windows do not maintain their size. 
Dolphin, okular, adept, etc, all start up way too small. In the 8.04 version, 
the windows maintained the size they had when closed.

Am I missetting somewhere a setting?


Alain MULS                                 alain.muls at
CISS-GENA                                           +32.2.7426340
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1000 BRUSSELS - Belgium
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