No suitable demuxer available.

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Dec 22 15:42:18 UTC 2008

On Sunday 21 December 2008 10:54:45 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> > Command line programs can't handle file and directory names with spaces.
> I thought that as a possibility and used an underscore for the blank spaces
> on one effort.

That isn't the same.  In Linux, an underscore is a valid file name character, 
so "this file.jpg" and "this_file.jpg" are different files and can co-exist 
in the same directory.

Command line programs use spaces to separate or delimit parts of the command.  
If a file name has spaces, the command line program sees each part of the 
name as a separate part of the command. So,

file this file.jpg

is interpreted as if you are asking the "file" command for information on two 
separate files, "this" and "file.jpg".  Please see my prior email on how to 
handle spaces in file names when using the command line.

Hyphens can also cause problems on the command line because command line 
programs have options (usually called parameters or arguments) that start 
with hyphens.  Usually (but not always), single hyphens precede single letter 
options (e.g. -h for help) and double hyphens precede 'word' options 
(e.g. --help for help).  Your files, contained hyphens as well as spaces.

> > Are you familiar with bash-completion, and using the tab key to type
> > things for you?
> I don't know what you are talking about.

Bash completion is one of the nicest features of the command line.  All you 
need to do is type a few of the starting letters of a file or command and hit 
the tab key and bash completion will try to type the rest of the name for 


/m<tab> gives you a beep because it could be /mnt or /media
/m<tab><tab> will present you with the two choices
/me<tab> gives you /media/
/media/s<tab> beeps
/media/sc<tab> gives you /media/scd

And so on.

Once you get to 
/media/scd1/01\ Lambchop\ \-\ The\ Man\ Who\ Loved\ Beer.
you notice that it puts the backslash (escape characters) in for you. 

Bash-completion is simple to learn, and you will come to love and depend on 

> > >>ure file:
> > >> $ file Angels\ Chill\ Trance\ Essentials\ B.jpg
> > >> Angels Chill Trance Essentials B.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard
> > >> 1.01
> I have no understanding of the above entry.

The person who wrote it was trying to show you an expample of using the file 
command.  The first line:
> >> $ file Angels\ Chill\ Trance\ Essentials\ B.jpg
is the command you would type. Notice the backslashes preceding the spaces in 
the file name.  The next line
> >> Angels Chill Trance Essentials B.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
is the command out put or the answer the command gives you to the question you 
asked it.  In this case, it tells you the file is a JPEG image using the JFIF 
standard 1.01.

> > vlc should play all of those formats if the files aren't defective.
> Just after I posted, I was able to get them to play.
> I am anxious to learn about bash completion.  I know if I had a person
> sitting by me while I learned bash, I would be able to understand rather
> fast.  I need an answer to a thought at that moment to put things together.
>  When responses are spread out, I have trouble getting back on focus. 
> Thanks for the extra information.

Hope this helped.

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