No suitable demuxer available.
Art Alexion
art.alexion at
Sun Dec 21 20:23:41 UTC 2008
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Steven Vollom
<stevenvollom at> wrote:
>> >> Have you run the "file" command on the files on the CD? Do that and
>> >> perhaps it will tell you what kind of file/codec it is.
> Lambchop - The Man Who Loved Beer.cda
> Lambchop - The Man Who Loved Beer.ogg
> Lambchop - The Man Who Loved Beer.wav
> Also, there were Lambchop - 02 - Alumni Lawn.cda .ogg .wav and,
> Lambchop - 03 - Burly & Johnson.cda .ogg .wav
>> use file command on one of the files on the DVD, something like this
>> "file /media/cdrom0/mystrangesoundfile.wav".
> These are my attempts and the results:
> /dev/sdc1: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sdc1' (No such file or directory)
> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/scd1/Lamchop - 01 - The Man Who Loved Beer.wav
> /media/scd1/Lamchop: ERROR: cannot open `/media/scd1/Lamchop' (No such file or
> directory)
> file /media/scd1/The Man Who Loved Beer.wav
> /dev/stdin: ASCII text
> 01: ERROR: cannot open `01' (No such file or directory)
> file /media/scd1/The Man Who Loved Beer.wav
> /dev/stdin: ASCII text
> The: ERROR: cannot open `The' (No such file or directory)
> Man: ERROR: cannot open `Man' (No such file or directory)
> Who: ERROR: cannot open `Who' (No such file or directory)
> Loved: ERROR: cannot open `Loved' (No such file or directory)
> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/cdrom1/themanwholovedbeer.wav
> /media/cdrom1/themanwholovedbeer.wav: ERROR: cannot open
> `/media/cdrom1/themanwh
> olovedbeer.wav' (No such file or directory)
> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/cdrom1/The Man Who Loved Beer.wav
> /media/cdrom1/The: ERROR: cannot open `/media/cdrom1/The' (No such file or
> direc tory)
> Man: ERROR: cannot open `Man' (No such file or directory)
> Who: ERROR: cannot open `Who' (No such file or directory)
> Loved: ERROR: cannot open `Loved' (No such file or directory)
> Beer.wav: ERROR: cannot open `Beer.wav' (No such file or directory)
> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/cdrom1/The_Who_Loved_Beer.wav
> /media/cdrom1/The_Who_Loved_Beer.wav: ERROR: cannot open
> `/media/cdrom1/The_Who_
> Loved_Beer.wav' (No such file or directory)
> I included every attempt.
Command line programs can't handle file and directory names with spaces.
Use either quotes:
file "/media/scd1/Lamchop - 01 - The Man Who Loved Beer.wav"
or the backslash (sometimes called the escape character) to let it
know the spaces are literal, and not separating parts of the command,
like this:
file /media/scd1/Lamchop\ \-\ 01\ \-\ The\ Man\ Who\ Loved\ Beer.wav
Are you familiar with bash-completion, and using the tab key to type
things for you? If you use bash-completion to fill in the file name
for you, it will add the appropriate escape characters for you.
>>ure file:
>> $ file Angels\ Chill\ Trance\ Essentials\ B.jpg
>> Angels Chill Trance Essentials B.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
> ??
He was giving you an example (using escape characters) and the result.
>> What programs have you tried to play the files with?
> I tried Amarok and VLC.
vlc should play all of those formats if the files aren't defective.
Amarok should at least play cda, wav and ogg files out of the box, and
mp3 with the appropriate plugin.
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