KMail, "Smart Quoting" stopped working

Byron Campbell wa4geg at
Wed Dec 17 12:26:26 UTC 2008

Kmail 1.10.3, in KDE 4.1.3 (Kubuntu 8.10)

Kmail's "smart quoting" when replying to mail stopped functioning.
Now, when replaying to mail, the composer window opens as a blank
page as if smart quoting is turned off, which it isn't.

Double checking the settings in:

KMail > Settings > Configure Kmail > Composer > General > Use Smart 

Use Smart Quoting remains checked. I tried un-checking, Applying, 
Ok'ing, then going back in and checking it again, and Applying, and 
Ok'ing etc. but no joy.

Any ideas on how to get KMail's message quoting back to working? --> 
Maybe dump a config file somewhere and reentering all my KMail account 
settings from scratch?


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