Q: how is plasma different?

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Dec 16 15:08:29 UTC 2008

R C Mitchell wrote:

>  I like to see my essential information (time, date, moon phase (=
> state of the tide),

Clearly the person who wrote the plasmoid has _no_ concept of "essential 
information".  The old moon phase applet had better contrast - even at a 
tiny size - so that you could actually see the phase, and when you 
moused over it (or maybe right clicked - I don't remember) would tell 
you "6 days to full moon" or "3 days after new moon" or something 
similar.  The plasmoid practically always looks like a full moon to me, 
it can't be used on the kicker panel, and it never actually tells me 
when the real full moon is.  The author should have been staked out on a 
beach this weekend around the normal high tide mark, to grasp the real 
relevance of a moon phase applet.

> It's possible, of course, that I may learn to love KDE 4 and its
> successors

I think it's probable - once they actually provide the functionality we 
had in 3.5.  It's the huge loss of functionality that has be almost 
permanently PO'd.

> Meanwhile, I'm a reasonable kind of girl and open to persuasion by
> reasoned
> argument rather than a marketing pitch.  Are any of you man enough to
> accept the challenge?

Not me :-)

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