Q: how is plasma different?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 15:17:39 UTC 2008

R C Mitchell said the following at 12/16/2008 03:38 AM :
> On Tuesday 16 December 2008 02:28:52 Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/FAQ
> Wherein one may find:
>> What is wrong with the current desktop technology?
>> Today's desktops are static. Typically they are tied to a folder in which
>> one can find icons (application launchers), or user-placed documents and
>> folders. Along with pictures and images as backgrounds, the current desktop
>> doesn't go any further, or work for the user. Plasma takes a different
>> approach, engaging the user by creating a dynamic and highly customizable
>> environment.

Yeah, that's exactly the kind of thing that prompted me to ask the original
question. ("Today's desktops are static"? What's that supposed to mean? The
desktop on my KDE3 sure doesn't look static. But I sort-of digress.)

Somehow it seems like there has to be more to it than
pretty-desktop-with-widgets, but the fact that I can't seem to find a clear
description that distills to anything different than that makes me wonder
if it really is just market-speak.

But surely they wouldn't completely rewrite everything if that's all there
was to it (I mean, we already had pretty-desktop-with-widgets with KDE
3.x). So I have to be misunderstanding -- but I'm not the only one, not by
a long chalk; everything I read, except from developers, comes down to
"KDE4 is pretty-desktop-with-widgets"; the developers seem to think it's
more than that, but they incredibly opaque about what else it is.


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