blue rectangle covering 'system tray' icons

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Mon Dec 15 15:36:46 UTC 2008

2008/12/15 Brian Norman Wootton <Brian.Meg at>:
> I've mentioned this before, I have this blue rectangle which covers or
> partially covers
> system tray icons, at the moment it's covering the volume icon, but at
> different times it covers 'eth0', hplip, skype, time and date. It's also
> now corrupting the date/time and
> covering the dolphin icon, it's annoying rather than earth shattering
> and it seems worst
> when I'm emailing kubuntu-users-request. Has anybody got anything
> similar, has anybody got any answers? I'm using T-Bird on kubuntu 8.10
> on 64b amd.
> brian

Too me it looks like you are running Nvidia restricted drivers? In
that case it's a known bug and fixed with latest nvidia beta driver.
My hope is that Kubuntu would released the beta driver in backports as
the current version in has many bugs.

/ Jonas

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