konqueror search engines

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 14 12:57:31 UTC 2008

>I still feel like there is some configuration
> problem with kmail but I'm not a kmail user so have no idea.

I have exhausted that approach.  Almost everyone agrees with you too. 
Nonetheless, for those who wanted to see my configuration, I sent 
screenprints to their private mailing addresses, because of the size of the 
prints.  Everyone agrees that the configuration is correct.  

When I preported the possibility of there being a bug, one member took great 
offense.  So I don't know where to go from here.

I have wondered, if maybe I have a hardware problem, like memory or power 
supply, or something that if defective could hamper the transmission, because 
it does the same for each sent email?  But this is way over my head and only 
a theory which came to mind.

I hate to see it take so much of the List's time, because everyones 
suggestions and solutions are so similar.  All have been tested personally by 
me and reviewed by several others.  I think I would like the drop the issue, 
until perhaps I see someone else post a similar problem.

Thanks to all,


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