KDE4 questions, two problems

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 23:02:05 UTC 2008

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 05:12:28 pm Steve Lamb wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
> > If you just type aptitude on the CLI you will get an intresting gui
> > with a lot of power and that leads naturally to the short cut of using
> > it as a CLI program.
>     While I am a fan of aptitude (long time Debian user, so natch) but I =
> fail
> to see how adept is that bad?

The search is broken - it returns *very* little. eg,a search for "plasma" only 
returns "Super Karamba", "plamoid" only returns "kepas"

the Old adept-manager returns far more results, much more useful.

Also all the useful filter are gone - installed/not installed etc.

Lindsay Mathieson
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