kontact 1.3 - some question on HOWTO

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 16:43:40 UTC 2008

Alain Muls said the following at 12/12/2008 01:43 AM :
> Hi
> I cleanly installed intrepid and found that kmail/korganizer/kaddressbook 
> (version kde4.2 beta 1) now rely on akonadi for storing different types of 
> information. The general framework is that it is a DB which stores different 
> type of infos.
> I do not know how I should:
> 1. install the calendars I use. I have a local personal calendar and I use a 
> google calendar for information common with colleagues. The local calendar is 
> visible after an import using akonadi, but how do we best connect to the 
> google calendar? In hardy I did it using gcaldaemon to sync a local version, 
> but that solution is not ideal since at work I am behind a proxy and at home 
> not.

I can't say that I understand your method, but what I do in intrepid (and
have always done to make kontact work with google calendars) is simply to
assign the resource type "remote file" and give it the URL of the google
calendar. I'm not sure why you'd need to do anything more complicated than


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