please help

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Dec 11 07:35:42 UTC 2008

Ole Guldberg Jensen wrote:
> the G3 has a powerpc CPU and (k)ubuntu doesnt support powerpc. Try 
> another distro that does support ppc, like debian or fedora.
> 2008/12/11 jacobo smeke <jacobosmeke at 
> <mailto:jacobosmeke at>>
>     hi,
>     i wonder if you can help me out with this problem.
>     the thing is that i have a mac g3, it crashed so i wanted to install
>     kubuntu.
>     i put the cd and it didnt worked, so i took the hard drive disk, and
>     formated on a xp machine, then i installed kubuntu and it worked
>     perfectly. then i took the disk and connected it on the mac, but im
>     still having the same problem.
>     when i turn on the computer, it goes to a grey background and shows
>     an icon with a question mark, the icon is like the finder face. then
>     it show some text that says "to continue booting, type mac-boot the
>     prees return.
>     to shut down, type shut-down press return".
>     i cant get into kubuntu, i searched the problem and i found that is
>     the pram, and i reset it and in didnt work either.
>     could you help me with this????

Last version I remember that supported PowerPC was Dapper 6.06 , in 
other words 2 years ago

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