When I type in a correction, the letters I type in, eat the following letters. ** RESOLVED **

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 10 21:24:42 UTC 2008

> You have perhaps inadvertently hit the 'insert' key on your keyboard?
Dear Geoffrey,

Back when a brain wasn't required and I was using Windows XP, I had this 
selfsame problem.  I suppose I hit the insert key then.  About 15 years 
now, I have fought with that problem, sometimes rewriting a page of 
data.  Sometimes I would find an open space at the document, type the 
correction, cut and highlight the place in question and paste in the word.

In Windows no one knew what I was talking about, of course, so I never 
even wondered about pressing the wrong key.  You can't believe how 
irritating that problem has been.  I only hope I can remember the fix.  
Memory problems.  Anyway, I finally stopped laughing at myself.  I 
appreciate this so much.  Laughing again.

Perhaps you could tell me the proper use and need for the insert key.  I 
have never used it, even noticed it.  Thanks friend.


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