dolphin compression service menus - help!

Donatas G. dgvirtual at
Tue Dec 9 21:48:48 UTC 2008

Never mind, I have found a service menu for that in, it
supports both multiple files and files with white spaces.

BTW, kde 4.2 will include some sort of the previous ark menus...


Donatas G. rašė:
> I found it frustrating that Dolphin does not have service menus for
> compression/uncompression of files. Ark, it seems, has lost all the
> command line arguments (besides failure to open zip files) with the
> transition to kde4, so the old menus, even when converted to kde4
> format, are useless...
> I tried to create compression menu, but inside the archive I get a
> structure with all the /home/username/path/to/the/dir/to/be/compressed/
> which is not good at all... Besides, it does not work on files. I have
> run out of ideas...
> Any ideas how to modify the menu so it works?
> contents of
> /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/archive_dir.desktop  :
> [Desktop Entry]
> ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,inode/directory
> Actions=CompressZip;CompressTarGz;CompressTarBz2
> X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel
> X-KDE-Submenu=Compress
> X-KDE-Submenu[lt]=Suspausti
> Type=Service
> [Desktop Action CompressZip]
> Name=Zip Archive
> Name[lt]=į zip archyvą
> Icon=utilities-file-archiver
> Exec=zip -r %F && kdialog --msgbox Done!
> [Desktop Action CompressTarGz]
> Name=Gzipped Tar Archive
> Name[lt]=į tar.gz archyvą
> Icon=utilities-file-archiver
> Exec=tar -cvzf %f.tar.gz %F && kdialog --msgbox Done!
> [Desktop Action CompressTarBz2]
> Name=Bzip2 Tar Archive
> Name[lt]=į tar.bz2 archyvą
> Icon=utilities-file-archiver
> Exec=tar -cjf %f.tar.bz2 %F && kdialog --msgbox Done!
> ==
> Donatas

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