Can't play Youtube videos - *SOLVED*

Michael Satterwhite michael at
Tue Dec 9 04:16:04 UTC 2008

On Monday 08 December 2008 05:32:07 pm Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> OK, I *FINALLY* got my sound working. Now I need to get YouTube videos
> playing. I've installed the kubuntu-restricted-extras, but YouTube still
> reports that I don't have Flash. What's the best way to fix this?

Thanks to everyone who responded!

From your responses, it seemed that what I had done should have worked. I took 
two step back and went at it again. I used "apt-get purge" to remove the 
flashplugin-nonfree. I then went to the Adobe site and downloaded the tarball 
version of the flash plugin, unpacked it and ran the installer (not as 
root!). That put it in the home directory - and firefox was recognizing it. 
From that point, I was home free and everything was working. Life is good.

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