Automount on 8.10
glyphe at
Mon Dec 8 20:17:57 UTC 2008
Art Alexion wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Jonas Norlander <jonorland at> wrote:
>> 2008/12/7 David McGlone <d.mcglone at>:
>>> On Saturday 06 December 2008 11:25:24 am Jonas Pedersen wrote:
>>>> David McGlone wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Does anyone know how to automount separate partitions with 8.10? I have a
>>>>> separate partition that will not automount unless I open dolphin and
>>>>> click on it and supply a password. When I look in fstab there is no entry
>>>>> for the partition and I don't know if It's possible to add my own entry
>>>>> like I have always done in previous version.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>> You can add your own entry to fstab as you have done in previous versions.
>>> Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was allowed anymore, since the behavior changed in
>>> such a way that I was asking myself why would the developers do this.
>> For disks that you always have connected and want to have mounted
>> thats still the preferred way. For removable media let HAL do the
>> mounting.
> I recently shuffled a bunch of disk around and replaced one. It made
> me appreciate using UUID instead of device names in fstab. The device
> name changed based on where I moved the disk, but the UUID remained
> the same so the mounting continued to work. I only needed to remove
> the entry for the drive I removed, and one for the new drive.
> I recommend using UUID when you add the entry to your fstab.
If you want a GUI, you can always install ntfs-config. That will set up
all your internal or external mounts and I've found it to work quite well.
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