Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sat Dec 6 23:00:18 UTC 2008

>>> Remove these:
>>> /home/user/.kde/share/apps/kmail/
>>> /home/user/.kde/share/config/kmail* (there should be four of them)
>> Do I just locate them and delete them, or is this a konsole process?
> Yes, you can delete them by any means that you prefer: in Konqueror,
> in Konsole, or even butterflies [1].
I only had 3  in the config folder:  kmail.eventsrc, kmail.rc, and 
kmail.snippetrc.  Is something already missing that shouldn't have been 
missing?  in the '/home/user/.kde/share/config/kmail/' I didn't just 
remove the contents, I removed the folder '/kmail/'.  Was that correct?


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