Joel Oliver
joelol75 at
Sat Dec 6 22:48:07 UTC 2008
Art Alexion wrote:
> 2008/11/25 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
>> For the most part, all *nix programs know to look in standard places
>> for shared libraries. An exception is VLC.
> Which is why sometimes VLC will play a file that kaffeine chokes on.
> (and theoretically vice-versa, though I haven't actually found a file
> that won't play in VLC, but does in Kaffeine, at least not since
> Dapper)
Yep, VLC has all its codecs built in, and they cannot be shared with
other apps. The other two main codec backends are xine and gstreamer.
You can search through synaptic or adept for these. Also the
kubuntu-resticted-extras metapackage seems to add in the most common
codecs. Makes it very easy.
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