Keyboard and mouse intermittant.

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Sat Dec 6 10:18:23 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> I may have a virus.  Never had one before, but the keyboard is working 
> when I am writing this, however, if I want to open a package manager, my 
> password won't enter.  It is like the keyboard is not working.  Many 
> times when I click on an item, I have to repeat the process many times 
> before it actually engages.  Moving the mouse around the screen is slow 
> and stuttery.
> Steven
Hi Steven,

it is extemely unlikely that you got a virus, after all your are on Linux.

Please see my aswer to your "EMERGENCY" post. I cannot guarantee that 
this will solve it,  but imho it's definitely worth to try as a first 
step. And as far as I remember your problems began after aktivating 
compiz, didn't they?

If you have any more questions, just come back. You are always wellcome!

Kind regards

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