Spider Solitaire

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 4 19:15:43 UTC 2008

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> I will have to practice many times before I am able to remember what 
>>>> I am doing and what the anticipated result will be.  (Old w/fading 
>>>> memory).
>>> What's the use of memory for this? To remember long strings of 
>>> commands and their use is the right job for a file.
>>> HTH,
>>> I.
>> Ignazio,
>> I am laughing right now.  You all are so wonderful, in trying to help 
>> me.  If I understand your last comment, are you talking about computer 
>> memory or my personal memory?  '(Old w/fading memory)'  refers to me.  I 
>> am struggling to keep my brain functioning.  I am getting old and like 
>> everyone old, I have memory loss.
> No, I mean that a file is the place where to keep all this details, 
> while you should just commit to memory how to open the file :) then you 
> will automagically remember the complex command lines and what they do. 
> That's how I do it, I have only to know how to search through the mails 
> or read some man pages. There is no point in remembering every detail of 
> every command, it's enough to know how to find them.
> I.
I am keeping my technical emails in a saved folder within the TBird 
program, but it is just huge with information.  Most of the emails have 
multiple helps within them.  I have been planning to organize those 
helps and create some kind of file that would help me get to the correct 
code of a reoccuring problem, however, I have been so busy solving so 
many different problems that have collected over the past couple of 
years, I haven't had time yet.  Right now, I spend several hours each 
day just answering the emails I receive.  But is that what you mean?  
When I am sure I understand your advice, I will take it.  Thanks for the 
help.  It bothers me a lot having so much done for me, that I know with 
a little instruction in a way that I can retain would reduce a great 
deal.  I am trying so hard that I seem alway to be in a state of stress.


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