Konqueror gets stuck when transferring files

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 17:20:52 UTC 2008

2008/12/4 Ignazio Palmisano <ignazio_io at yahoo.it>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Often when I copy / move files between computers I find that Konqueror
>> get 'stuck' and the copy / move fails in the middle. The file transfer
>> dialog litteraly says "stuck" and no more files move. I have found
>> this to be the case no matter which machines I am using, or which
>> Kubuntu versions, for a few years. I do not know if this is a Kubuntu
>> or more general Ubuntu issue as I've only used Kubuntu.
>> When the issue crops up, how can I determine the cause? Today I am
>> trying to move 30+ GB from a Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE 3.5.10) laptop to a
>> Kubuntu 8.10 (KDE 4.1) desktop. Each time I try the move gets stuck on
>> a different file, sometimes earlier and sometime later. The issue is
>> reproducable, and is not confined to the machines or Kubuntu versions
>> currently in use.
> I've seen this often using the fish protocol. When I switched to sftp
> the issue disappeared (so far).
> HTH,
> I.

I should have been more specific, I am using the fish psuedo-protocol.
I wil try with sftp and report back. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen



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